Bonnie, how do you ever sell anything if you don't make sales calls? (part 1)

I get asked this question a lot, "Bonnie, how do you ever sell anything without making any sales calls?" The answer to this question took up two episodes! Episode 81 is part one of the answer.

“Well, people never like to be sold to, I certainly don't like to be sold to. So, I don't do sales calls. People don't like them.”

-Bonnie L. Frank 

Today's episode was inspired from a question a gentleman asked in a Facebook group. He asked, “How do you ever sell anything if you don’t do sales calls?” Well, I get asked this question quite a lot because the way I do sales is so different from the way many people do sales. Seven years ago, when I was starting my business from scratch,  I had a tough time and interviewed 25 different coaches to possibly hire one myself in the future. You'll hear me explain what that was like and how it directly shaped my view on sales.

Today, as a business coach, I offer three types of calls. A business strategy call and...

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Clubhouse isn't your business marketing answer!

Clubhouse is a wonderful platform and it can do amazing things for you personally and professionally, but it isn't your business marketing answer. Listen in for all the details.

It is never okay, in my opinion, to just talk about what you've got for sale. Nobody cares that you've got something for sale. Guess what? They’ve got something for sale, too!   

-Bonnie L. Frank 

Today’s episode is my third episode about Clubhouse. Yes, my third. Why? Well, I thought it was about time I dispel some misconceptions about Clubhouse. If you’ve heard the buzz about Clubhouse from any online social media marketers, you would think there were customers just lining the Clubhouse hallways eager to buy any discount webinar, photo filter or online course you are hawking. I can tell you that is just not so. If you go onto Clubhouse with the idea that you're going to sell, sell, sell, you'll probably fail. So then, what is really going on in those rooms...

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Instagram, Facebook and Clubhouse polls to get to know your audience

Instagram, Facebook and Clubhouse polls are wonderful ways to get to know your audience and more!  

In this episode:

  • Polls have been around for a while (even on Twitter and LinkedIn!) 
  • Polls can be used for any reason including a "yes" or "no" answer or more specific answer choices that you provide.
  • Polls are a great way to get to know your audience better, what they like, what they dislike, content they'd like for you to create, etc.
  • You can choose two choices that are both positive or negative to be funny and to provide another opportunity for engagement and for your audience to get to know you.
  • You can tease out a new blog post topic, product, event, etc. through polls, too.
  • Although stories created on Instagram work on Facebook, polls created inside of Instagram do NOT work on Facebook and vice versa.  (Fully explained and an easy how-to in the episode.)
  • Having your audience engage in your polls (or quizzes) shows the algorithm that people are interested in...
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JV Partnerships and how to pick the right one for you

 Joint Venture Partnerships are wonderful but choosing the right one for you can be challenging.

There are loads of different ways to do a jv partnership! Here are some things to consider:

  • It should be beneficial to all parties in the partnership...Choose someone who has a similar audience, but not the exact same audience. If it's EXACTLY the same, that's a competitor. If it's someone who compliments what you do, that's a great choice.
  • Partner with people who align with your brand, your message, the way you do things, your vibe.
  • Determine how you divide up the money ahead of time! Is it a percentage? A dollar amount? I go over a lot of different things to consider here in the episode.
  • How big and valuable is their "list?" (email list) compared to your list? Do the people on their list actually open the emails?
  • I describe, in detail, an unfortunate situation that occurred because I did NOT choose a partnership well...a cohost I chose for a Clubhouse room.
  • Remember that just...
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Clubhouse updates: Creating clubs, Moderators and more

Clubhouse has some incredible updates and you're about to learn how to get the most out of them!


  • Clubhouse also holds two Town Halls a week, Wednesdays (for those newer to the app that explains all of the features) at 8 pm central and Sundays (discussing all of the upcoming features) at 11:00 central.
  • Each Town Hall answers questions from the users of the app.
  • You can submit questions for the Town Halls at  [email protected] to ask any questions.
  • There are over 37,000 members in one of my clubs.
  • I have THREE CLUBS on Clubhouse and I'd love for you to join all of them! Business Fabulous for Female EntrepreneursFabulous Female Bosses        and      Kajabi Business Fabulous (it's alll about creating courses and membership sites!)
  • Anyone can create a club as long as the have the updated version of Clubhouse and see a  +  on the far right of all of the club icons at the bottom of their...
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Clearing up Clubhouse misconceptions

After a brief hiatus from the podcast (explained in the intro), I am back at it and episode 75 clears up misconceptions about the hottest app in town--Clubhouse!

I've used this app to grow my online following by many thousands, my podcast  downloads have doubled and my business has grown by leaps and bounds. Get all the details below!

  • Welcome back to the podcast! (I'm back after a brief hiatus from the podcast to collect data for my presentation on Clubhouse at Podfest Global Summit.)
  • You'll hear about some if this presentation in the episode.
  • Holy moly, my list has increased by 600, my Instagram increased by over 44% and another social media account by 1,012% allll because of Clubhouse!
  • The mission of Clubhouse is to have deep and meaningful conversations with people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
  • People are doing really cool things on Clubhouse like plays, musicals, concerts, game shows, all sorts of things!
  • You'll get much more out of your experience on...
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