When you understand the nuances of Instagram's four distinct parts, you can easily grow your online presence and impact there.
In this week's episode:
- There are four distinct parts of Instagram: Feed, Live, Stories, IGTV.
- In order to get the analytics (to see what's working best for your audience) on all of your posts, you must have a business account. I detail how to do this in the episode.
- Instagram is a hashtag game!
- You can have up to 30 hashtags in any IG feed post. Any more than that and none of the hashtags will be seen.
- I provide helpful hashtag tools below! (scroll down to "Mentioned in this episode)
- The "Swipe Up" feature in the feed is for accounts that have 10,000 followers or more.
- IGTV videos can be 10 minutes long with less than 10,000 followers and up to an hour in length with 10,000 or more followers.
- Instagram live broadcasts can be up to one hour long and disappear in 24 hours.
- Instagram stories (my favorite!) can have video clips of 15 seconds or less per...