Online Dating Is Social Media 3.0

Online Dating really is social media taken to a whole new level.

I began online dating four months ago and it occurred to me early on how similar the process was to the way businesses market their goods and services through social media.

Maybe you only have a LinkedIn profile, or you're a member of a few Facebook groups, perhaps you have a Twitter account, or you might even create a couple of Facebook ads each year to grow your business or "all of the above and much more..." you are using social media to grow your brand and your business.

Online dating is the same process!

Step One: Create your brand identity.

You must make yourself stand out amongst all of the other businesses, brands, DATING PROSPECTS. How will you do that? You'll describe your goods and services (or appearance and personality traits) in ways that appeal to and resonate with potential buyers. You'll appeal to their senses. You'll let your potential buyers know that you and your business are the ones to...

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