Online business success is on the other side of your comfort zone

 “ You will find that you business success will happen in the least comfortable spot,  

 outside of your comfort zone ”

-Bonnie L. Frank 

In today’s episode, I discuss why you need to get out of your comfort zone in order to find more success in your business. You may be wondering why your business hasn’t hit the numbers you're hoping for or how you can get the customers you want. In order to level up your business, you sometimes just need to get out of your comfort zone.  You may need to meet more people, go to conferences in your industry or join a group program to help your ideal clients find you online.

As online entrepreneurs and business owners, it's important that you consistently look at what you're doing and how you can grow. As you expand your expertise in these ways, you allow yourself to grow your business and attract all of the perfect clients to you. 

Show Notes 

In this episode I discuss ways...

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