Why your online business might not be getting enough customers and sales

 “These five things are very important reasons

 why you may not be getting the customers you want right now”

-Bonnie L. Frank 


In today’s episode, I discuss five reasons why you might not be getting enough customers. Many entrepreneurs and online business owners find themselves blaming the global pandemic for their lack of customers. I'll help shed some light on the real reasons most online business owners are not connecting with their ideal clients or finding the right customers.

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In this episode I share the real reasons you may not be getting enough customers. 

  • Where can you find the next 5 reasons? [4:05]
  • What is the price to value ratio and why do you need to know about it? [5:19]
  • How do you know who your competition is? [8:22]
  • What makes you unique when you are selling the same products? [12:33]
  • Why understanding the economic climate may help your business? [13:52]
  • Why you may be wasting your time screaming...
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5 simple steps to convert social media followers into online business clients and customers

It really is as easy as 1-2-3-4-5. Your social media posts can absolutely transform your social media followers into paid clients and customers!


 “ Your Call to Action needs to be clear. It’s got to be easy and it's got to be valuable”

-Bonnie L. Frank 

In today’s episode, I give you 5 simple steps to follow to convert your social media followers into clients and customers. Many online business marketers spend a lot of time on social media without actually growing their business. The purpose of social media is to be social. It's about connecting with your ideal client where they are and getting to know them.  It’s about showing up as a valuable resource for them. If you're having trouble finding or converting your followers to clients, these 5 steps can really help.  

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In this episode I share these 5 simple to get more sales from social media

  • Why it's important for you to engage with your followers?...
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Social Media posts that get engagement

Posting on social media is easy. Creating social media posts that consistently get engagement can be more difficult.

 “You want people to engage, you want people to stop their scroll, that is your goal.

Your goal is to stop the scroll.

-Bonnie L. Frank

It really isn't difficult to post on social media...It's not the posting that is difficult but getting engagement from your audience. If you're new to social media, you might be wondering why some posts do well and others don't. What does your target audience want to see from you?

Social media really is for being social and that is something that digital marketers need to keep top of mind. They need to remember the 80/20 rule where you provide 80% valuable content and 20% of the posts include a call to action and possibly a mention of something you have for sale. 

Show Notes 

In this episode I discuss all the factors help get engagement for your social media posts

  • What is the goal you are trying to...
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How you and your customers can control your social media feeds and sales

In just five minutes, you will learn exactly what to do to make sure your social media posts aren't buried amidst political ads and posts of your competitors.

In this week's episode:

  • Your social media feeds (and those of your customers!) are likely starting to get filled with political ads and ads from your competitors.
  • This means that your posts are being buried by all of these other posts right now and not being seen!
  • In just five minutes, learn exactly what you can do to gain control over your social media feeds.
  • You can relay this information to your customers so they can get all of your valuable content!

Are you in the Cafe?? The Social Media Marketing Cafe is OPEN! Gain access to hundreds of tutorials, step-by-step guides and downloadable pdfs, for help with social media, online marketing, livestreaming, podcasting, and much more! 

Have you joined my free Facebook group yet? If you want free, proven strategies to get your audience finding you online...

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