Facebook Live from Your Desktop!

Facebook Live from Your Desktop!


Dreams do come true! Facebook has started rolling out the ability to broadcast on Facebook Live via desktop!

For many months, we've been able to livestream on the Facebook platform through our profiles and pages, but we needed to our mobile devices (phones, iPads, etc.) to do it.

Or we could go live on our desktop by also using OBS (free) or Wirecast (not free). For me, that was less-than-stellar...too much trouble. Not a one-click process.

No More!

Now you will have a one-click process! Well, you may need to wait a bit... 

When Facebook "rolls out" features, they don't tend to show rhyme or reason for how they roll things out. In the past, we've all just used the "wait and see if it's there yet" approach. (One day we all wake up and, magically, whatever we're waiting for on Facebook appears.)

And, just like I said, I took a nap today and when I awoke...I had the ability to broadcast on Facebook Live from my desktop via my page!


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