Habits that create online business growth

There are habits that YOU can easily create to grow your online business. Episode 102 details my own business-growing habits.

 “ The morning routine makes an unbelievable difference in my business.

-Bonnie L. Frank

In today’s episode, I discuss habits, share my morning routine and how it has tremendously helped my business. As an  entrepreneur, morning routines really set you up for a successful day. In this episode, I share which habits have made a dramatic difference in my life. They're often free and super easy to incorporate into your life. 

Show Notes 

In this episode I discuss why building healthy habits is key.

  • What are my morning and evening routines? [4:10]
  • Why are morning routines the most important  ? [5:22]
  • What do I put in my coffee everyday? [6:45]
  • Why are vitamins and supplements part of my routine?[10:01]
  • What are the tricks I use to get my daily water intake? [12:58]
  • Why has a gratitude journal been my habit for years?...
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Four habits that will NOT help you or your business

You've probably been told to do at least one of these--and why it was never going to help you or your business grow.

 In this week's episode:

  • Mantras: Repetitive words or phrases used for manifesting what you want or while you meditate
  • Affirmations: Positive things that you'd like to happen but are not currently happening
  • "The universe" has your back...will provide for you...and other things people believe
  • Self development courses, books, conferences
  • I discuss each of these four things in detail and why none of them will help you personally or professionally.

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Have you joined my free Facebook group yet? If you want free, proven strategies to get your audience finding you online and buying from you and really grow your...

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