Podcasting secrets to attract your target audience and grow your online business

In today’s episode, I reveal the podcasting secrets you need to attract your ideal clients and grow your online business. 

“I knew when I started that I was building a brand, a podcast, and the Business Fabulous Academy. ”

-Bonnie L. Frank 

 Many online business owners have seen value in podcasting, but overlook key areas when they begin. I knew my podcast would be profitable before I publishes the first episode because I had a plan for each step off the way.  I was building a brand alongside my podcast. I also knew I would start the Business Fabulous Academy to help online business owners learn how to create their own profitable businesses.

Podcasting is a great way for your ideal clients to get to know, like and trust you. In this episode. I share how to attract those clients and grow your business.

Show Notes 

In this episode I reveal the podcasting secrets to attract your ideal client

  • Where do you want your podcast to be heard?...
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Clubhouse isn't your business marketing answer!

Clubhouse is a wonderful platform and it can do amazing things for you personally and professionally, but it isn't your business marketing answer. Listen in for all the details.

It is never okay, in my opinion, to just talk about what you've got for sale. Nobody cares that you've got something for sale. Guess what? They’ve got something for sale, too!   

-Bonnie L. Frank 

Today’s episode is my third episode about Clubhouse. Yes, my third. Why? Well, I thought it was about time I dispel some misconceptions about Clubhouse. If you’ve heard the buzz about Clubhouse from any online social media marketers, you would think there were customers just lining the Clubhouse hallways eager to buy any discount webinar, photo filter or online course you are hawking. I can tell you that is just not so. If you go onto Clubhouse with the idea that you're going to sell, sell, sell, you'll probably fail. So then, what is really going on in those rooms...

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How to reach your online audience so they can really hear your message

You have a lot of valuable information to share with your audience, but are they really able to hear you? Find out how to reach the right people online!

In this week's episode:

  • The social media environment is a very noisy place and it can be difficult to be noticed,  seen, heard and remembered over all of that noise.
  • You want to be a "scroll stopper!"
  • How can you set yourself apart from everyone else talking about (or selling) what you are on social media?
  • You must know your target audience and it's NOT everyone anywhere.
  • Your audience is actually a very specific group of people "living" online in particular places. (I give examples of this in the episode.)
  • Your audience may not be hanging out on social media very much at all--you must know the demographics of your target audience to know this.
  • You must know your ICA (Ideal Client Avatar before you can know your target audience.
  • Sometimes you will attract outliers (people outside of your target audience), and that's okay, but...
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