Bonnie, how do you ever sell anything if you don't make sales calls? (part 1)

I get asked this question a lot, "Bonnie, how do you ever sell anything without making any sales calls?" The answer to this question took up two episodes! Episode 81 is part one of the answer.

“Well, people never like to be sold to, I certainly don't like to be sold to. So, I don't do sales calls. People don't like them.”

-Bonnie L. Frank 

Today's episode was inspired from a question a gentleman asked in a Facebook group. He asked, “How do you ever sell anything if you don’t do sales calls?” Well, I get asked this question quite a lot because the way I do sales is so different from the way many people do sales. Seven years ago, when I was starting my business from scratch,  I had a tough time and interviewed 25 different coaches to possibly hire one myself in the future. You'll hear me explain what that was like and how it directly shaped my view on sales.

Today, as a business coach, I offer three types of calls. A business strategy call and...

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