7 No-Fail Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Online Business

Having expertise isn't enough to grow an online business, you have to know how to market it. Episode 166 of the Business Fabulous podcast details seven online business marketing strategies. 

Mentioned in this episode:

Money Maker Mastermind

Bonnie's Business Tools

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2022 marketing trends won't help your 2023 online business growth

Stop doing the "same old, same old" when it comes to your online marketing! You can't rely on what worked so well last year for your online business growth in 2023.

 Mentioned in this episode:

Bonnie on Tik Tok

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  • Leave me a voice message about this (or any!) episode--you can also ask me a business question or request a topic for future podcasts.
  • Subscribe to the podcast:

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  • Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts
  • Tag @bonnie.frank on your Instagram stories! Use #businessfabulous and I'll reshare your post on my IG account!  

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How to reach your online audience so they can really hear your message

You have a lot of valuable information to share with your audience, but are they really able to hear you? Find out how to reach the right people online!

In this week's episode:

  • The social media environment is a very noisy place and it can be difficult to be noticed,  seen, heard and remembered over all of that noise.
  • You want to be a "scroll stopper!"
  • How can you set yourself apart from everyone else talking about (or selling) what you are on social media?
  • You must know your target audience and it's NOT everyone anywhere.
  • Your audience is actually a very specific group of people "living" online in particular places. (I give examples of this in the episode.)
  • Your audience may not be hanging out on social media very much at all--you must know the demographics of your target audience to know this.
  • You must know your ICA (Ideal Client Avatar before you can know your target audience.
  • Sometimes you will attract outliers (people outside of your target audience), and that's okay, but...
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Aren't sure what to say or do on social media right now?

It is a very confusing and ever-changing world right now and many people are looking for guidance on how to navigate social media. This episode is my ideas and opinions.

This episode was taken from a live broadcast on Facebook that was simulcasted (broadcasted in multiple places at the same time) in five different places and immediately received loads of views organically and was watched lives in multiple countries.

In this week's episode:

  • It's completely understandable (and normal) if you're unsure about what to do or say on social media right now. Be gentle with yourself. 
  • There are many perspectives all over social media right now in terms of social justice, Black Lives Matter, race relations, and more.
  • There's a lot of live broadcasts right now, too.
  • People online are choosing to do many different things right now, and it can be confusing as to what YOU should be doing.
  • Some people are exploiting the movement and hashtag #blacklivesmatter to sell more of their own...
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