You have a lot of valuable information to share with your audience, but are they really able to hear you? Find out how to reach the right people online!
In this week's episode:
- The social media environment is a very noisy place and it can be difficult to be noticed, seen, heard and remembered over all of that noise.
- You want to be a "scroll stopper!"
- How can you set yourself apart from everyone else talking about (or selling) what you are on social media?
- You must know your target audience and it's NOT everyone anywhere.
- Your audience is actually a very specific group of people "living" online in particular places. (I give examples of this in the episode.)
- Your audience may not be hanging out on social media very much at all--you must know the demographics of your target audience to know this.
- You must know your ICA (Ideal Client Avatar before you can know your target audience.
- Sometimes you will attract outliers (people outside of your target audience), and that's okay, but...