Do businesses or social media platforms owe their customers ANYTHING?

If you don't agree with one of my episodes, it's probably this one. Are YOU OWED anything by businesses or social media platforms? Listen to episode 89 and find out.

“I'm just here in a sandbox. That's my point. It’s not my sandbox. I don't own the sandbox. Zuckerberg owns the sandbox or Dorsey owns the sandbox or Paul and Rohan and their investors own the sandbox. It's not me. I don't own any of those three sandboxes and yet, I can use all three of those sandboxes, and many others.  I can play in them as much as I want, every single day, 24/7, to my heart's content.. ”

-Bonnie L. Frank 

As an online entrepreneur, it is important to realize how apps and online platforms work and how to make them work for you. Over the last seven years, I have beta tested dozens of apps and I've monetized all of them. (I monetized Clubhouse in five days.)

So why do online business owners complain about social media? 

Show Notes 

In this episode, I share...

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You DON'T want social media followers!

It's true. You DON'T want social media followers--it's not enough anymore! Check out episode 88 for all the details.


 “When you're posting, you're not posting with thousands and thousands of people in mind (you really honestly might not know all of your target audience who's following you), you're posting with one person in mind...that ideal client avatar.

-Bonnie L. Frank 

In today's episode I share why all the followers that most digital marketers are seeking, aren't actually what you want. Social media followers are really just a vanity metric. Many online marketers will tell you that you need tons of followers but if they are not the right kind of followers then you really are wasting your time. It’s important to have followers but they have the right followers. It's important to make sure your ideal clients are finding you.  As an entrepreneur or an online business owner you really want to know how each of the platforms work whether...

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Clubhouse mistakes that are costing you money

Small mistakes can make a huge difference on social media. Here are seven mistakes that are costing you money. 

 “Your bio, regardless of the social media platform that you're using, needs to speak to who you are, what you're about and what's in it for other people, right off the bat. You've got to be clear. Otherwise people are going to look at your profile, and then they're going to leave because they have no idea who you are, what you're about, or if they should connect with you.”

-Bonnie L. Frank 

In today's episode I share some common mistakes I see bright entrepreneurs making on Clubhouse. I see these mistakes all the time and they could be costing real money. If you have been following me for any length of time, you know that I have been hosting rooms in the new audio-only app called Clubhouse. This is a new platform and a great way for digital marketers, online businesses and solopreneurs to find their ideal clients. Paying clients. However, there...

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Instagram, Facebook and Clubhouse polls to get to know your audience

Instagram, Facebook and Clubhouse polls are wonderful ways to get to know your audience and more!  

In this episode:

  • Polls have been around for a while (even on Twitter and LinkedIn!) 
  • Polls can be used for any reason including a "yes" or "no" answer or more specific answer choices that you provide.
  • Polls are a great way to get to know your audience better, what they like, what they dislike, content they'd like for you to create, etc.
  • You can choose two choices that are both positive or negative to be funny and to provide another opportunity for engagement and for your audience to get to know you.
  • You can tease out a new blog post topic, product, event, etc. through polls, too.
  • Although stories created on Instagram work on Facebook, polls created inside of Instagram do NOT work on Facebook and vice versa.  (Fully explained and an easy how-to in the episode.)
  • Having your audience engage in your polls (or quizzes) shows the algorithm that people are interested in...
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JV Partnerships and how to pick the right one for you

 Joint Venture Partnerships are wonderful but choosing the right one for you can be challenging.

There are loads of different ways to do a jv partnership! Here are some things to consider:

  • It should be beneficial to all parties in the partnership...Choose someone who has a similar audience, but not the exact same audience. If it's EXACTLY the same, that's a competitor. If it's someone who compliments what you do, that's a great choice.
  • Partner with people who align with your brand, your message, the way you do things, your vibe.
  • Determine how you divide up the money ahead of time! Is it a percentage? A dollar amount? I go over a lot of different things to consider here in the episode.
  • How big and valuable is their "list?" (email list) compared to your list? Do the people on their list actually open the emails?
  • I describe, in detail, an unfortunate situation that occurred because I did NOT choose a partnership well...a cohost I chose for a Clubhouse room.
  • Remember that just...
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Clearing up Clubhouse misconceptions

After a brief hiatus from the podcast (explained in the intro), I am back at it and episode 75 clears up misconceptions about the hottest app in town--Clubhouse!

I've used this app to grow my online following by many thousands, my podcast  downloads have doubled and my business has grown by leaps and bounds. Get all the details below!

  • Welcome back to the podcast! (I'm back after a brief hiatus from the podcast to collect data for my presentation on Clubhouse at Podfest Global Summit.)
  • You'll hear about some if this presentation in the episode.
  • Holy moly, my list has increased by 600, my Instagram increased by over 44% and another social media account by 1,012% allll because of Clubhouse!
  • The mission of Clubhouse is to have deep and meaningful conversations with people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
  • People are doing really cool things on Clubhouse like plays, musicals, concerts, game shows, all sorts of things!
  • You'll get much more out of your experience on...
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How to reach your online audience so they can really hear your message

You have a lot of valuable information to share with your audience, but are they really able to hear you? Find out how to reach the right people online!

In this week's episode:

  • The social media environment is a very noisy place and it can be difficult to be noticed,  seen, heard and remembered over all of that noise.
  • You want to be a "scroll stopper!"
  • How can you set yourself apart from everyone else talking about (or selling) what you are on social media?
  • You must know your target audience and it's NOT everyone anywhere.
  • Your audience is actually a very specific group of people "living" online in particular places. (I give examples of this in the episode.)
  • Your audience may not be hanging out on social media very much at all--you must know the demographics of your target audience to know this.
  • You must know your ICA (Ideal Client Avatar before you can know your target audience.
  • Sometimes you will attract outliers (people outside of your target audience), and that's okay, but...
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This is the BEST social media platform

I'm often asked about the BESt social media platform. Here's part one of my answer.

 In this week's episode:

  • What IS the BEST social media platform?
  • What's your goal for social media?
  • Are you there to serve or to sell?
  • The purpose of social media is BEING SOCIAL!
  • You must be social on social media in order to be successful, personally or professionally.
  • 2.8 billion people are on Facebook.
  • Twitter is a great place to have conversations.
  • Instagram Reels are seen inside of Instagram stories.
  • Pinterest is the "forgotten cousin" of social media, as is Periscope. Don't forget these platforms! (Detailed info in the episode)
  • When you're thinking about "best," are you referring to engagement? Followers? Sales?
  • If you have a "SELL SELL SELL mindset" as you create social media posts, emails, livestreams, etc., you will not be nearly as successful as when you have the SERVE SERVE SERVE mindset. (Detailed examples in the episode)
  • The content you produce is for your audience and you need...
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When smart people do stupid things on social media

We all do it. Give yourself a break, and here are some other helpful strategies.

In this week's episode:

  • Even though I still can't notice a foul most of the time, I love watching basketball. You'll hear why in the episode.
  • I didn't allow myself to watch any basketball games for almost three years.
  • This was a very stupid move on my part...I explain why I did it in the episode.
  • I watched basketball highlights for over an hour the other day for the first time in a long time.
  • But I wasn't ready to do it before...
  • I provide strategies on what to do personally and professionally when you do stupid things on social media in the episode.
  • Most of your social media posts are NOT being seen right now. Grab a spot in my social media series here.

Mentioned in the episode:

Are you on the list??

Get on the wait list for the Business Fabulous Social Media Cafe and gain access to...

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Social media strategies that work to increase listens, views, likes and shares

Simply being on the social media platform isn't enough...learn easy and effective strategies to increase listens, views, likes, and shares on social media.

In this week's episode:

  • The question I get asked all the time is WHERE...? Where to be on social media, Where to promote your podcast, video, business, etc,
  • The actual location doesn't matter--as long as it's where your people are!
  • You must know the demographics of your audience on and off of social media.
  • Google "social media demographics 2020" for this year's general demographics on each social media platform.
  • Look at social media metrics on each of your social media platforms to determine your exact demographics there.
  • I have a very different audience on each of my three Instagram accounts: @bonnie.frank, @thevisibilityexpert, @businessfabulouspodcast
  • Google Analytics (It's free and easy to install) will show you exactly who comes to your website, who they are, where they come from, their activity on your site, etc.
  • I...
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