“I really want you to look at, listen to, read, and study the content from online business and marketing people because, I'm telling you, you're going to learn so much more and grow so much more personally and professionally by studying them. There are clues to your success in them.”
-Bonnie L. Frank
Jim Rohn said, “Success leaves clues” and that is such an important lesson. In this episode, I explain how to find and use clues that successful online business and marketing mentors leave in their content. These lessons are everywhere. EVERY DAY.
Whether you're on Instagram, Clubhouse, Twitter, Facebook or Tik Tok, you can see how your mentors are using the platforms and how they're sharing their valuable information. I think it's important to not only look at what they're doing but also HOW they're doing it. Study your favorite online business mentors, they all have this in common and really listening for how they got where they are today can...
Get the answers to YOUR questions on social media, marketing and online business right here!
“ I love answering your questions, and helping you grow your businesses, every single day in 30 minutes or less, right here on Business Fabulous.”
-Bonnie L. Frank
In today’s episode, I answer five different viewer and listener questions about marketing, social media and online business. If you have a question you'd like me to answer on the podcast, please email me or leave me a voice message on my podcast page You can also find me on Clubhouse. Just type my name in the search or follow me or my club: Business Fabulous for Female Entrepreneurs.
Show Notes
In this episode I answer viewer and listener questions:
“A lot of people hop on Social Media without ever thinking about what their goal is.”
-Bonnie L. Frank
Social media is no longer a choice. In today's episode I share how to beat the exhaustion and overwhelm that comes with social media.
You may have heard that you need to "be everywhere" on social media--not true! But how do you know where to be on social media and how much time you should be spending on each platform? Should you spend time on Tik Tok, Facebook, Instagram, Clubhouse, Twitter, or Twitch? Where are your ideal clients hanging out? Should you use a social media scheduler?
Listen in and get the answers to these questions as well as great tips and tricks to figure out where your audience is and how to make sure your posts are consistently seen by your target audience..
Show Notes
In this episode I share how to stop letting social media overwhelm and exhaust you.
Get easy and effective tips for live audio and video that I learned from producing over 4,000 livestream videos and 500 Clubhouse rooms.
“Immediately give value to your audience. It doesn't matter if it's live or if it's not...you'd better get their attention within the first three seconds, or they're done."
-Bonnie L. Frank
Although you may not choose to grow your business like I did (going live three to seven times a day, seven days a week), any amount of live audio and video is a fabulous way to build trust with your audience and position yourself as an authority in your field. Whether it's Clubhouse rooms, Facebook audio rooms, Twitter Spaces, Greenroom or anywhere else, there are so many places to connect with your audience--LIVE!
In this episode, I share how to connect with your audience, how to strategically plan before going live, as well as tips for repurposing all of your audio and video content.
Show Notes
In this episode I share my...
Do you need a lot of tech and other things to start a podcast? Listen to episode 91 to find out exactly what you DO need.
“ It doesn't matter how long your podcast is. Longer doesn't mean better and shorter doesn't mean better. Interview doesn't mean better, and solo doesn't mean better, either. You decide how you want to set it up, and you can always change it at any time. ”
-Bonnie L. Frank
In today's episode I share what you REALLY NEED to start any podcast. If you're just starting a podcast, there are a few tools that you need to have. I share some of this information on Clubhouse, too, but you'll hear much more information in this episode. All of the podcasting tools I mention can be found here: bit.ly/bonniebiztools
Podcasting isn't hard but there is a lot that goes into it--lots of pieces to the podcast puzzle. In this episode, I share my favorite tools and some great advice that I got when I was just starting. The podcasting world is full of advice...
Affiliate marketing and other types of passive income are wonderful ways to increase your streams of revenue! Check out episode 90 for loads of ideas.
“ Affiliate marketing means you have some sort of a relationship with a certain person, product, program or service that you are talking about. ”
-Bonnie L. Frank
In today's episode, I share an important part of being an entrepreneur: multiple streams of revenue. The pandemic was a big wake up call and people who had multiple income streams fared much better than people with just one. In this episode, I discuss affiliate marketing, how you can become an affiliate for companies and how you can have affiliate marketers help you sell your own product, program or service.
You don’t need to have a ton of followers on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or any other platform to become an influencer or affiliate marketer. It’s really about finding products that you are passionate about and...
If you don't agree with one of my episodes, it's probably this one. Are YOU OWED anything by businesses or social media platforms? Listen to episode 89 and find out.
“I'm just here in a sandbox. That's my point. It’s not my sandbox. I don't own the sandbox. Zuckerberg owns the sandbox or Dorsey owns the sandbox or Paul and Rohan and their investors own the sandbox. It's not me. I don't own any of those three sandboxes and yet, I can use all three of those sandboxes, and many others. I can play in them as much as I want, every single day, 24/7, to my heart's content.. ”
-Bonnie L. Frank
As an online entrepreneur, it is important to realize how apps and online platforms work and how to make them work for you. Over the last seven years, I have beta tested dozens of apps and I've monetized all of them. (I monetized Clubhouse in five days.)
So why do online business owners complain about social media?
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In this episode, I share...
It's true. You DON'T want social media followers--it's not enough anymore! Check out episode 88 for all the details.
“When you're posting, you're not posting with thousands and thousands of people in mind (you really honestly might not know all of your target audience who's following you), you're posting with one person in mind...that ideal client avatar. ”
-Bonnie L. Frank
In today's episode I share why all the followers that most digital marketers are seeking, aren't actually what you want. Social media followers are really just a vanity metric. Many online marketers will tell you that you need tons of followers but if they are not the right kind of followers then you really are wasting your time. It’s important to have followers but they have the right followers. It's important to make sure your ideal clients are finding you. As an entrepreneur or an online business owner you really want to know how each of the platforms work whether...
Small mistakes can make a huge difference on social media. Here are seven mistakes that are costing you money.
“Your bio, regardless of the social media platform that you're using, needs to speak to who you are, what you're about and what's in it for other people, right off the bat. You've got to be clear. Otherwise people are going to look at your profile, and then they're going to leave because they have no idea who you are, what you're about, or if they should connect with you.”
-Bonnie L. Frank
In today's episode I share some common mistakes I see bright entrepreneurs making on Clubhouse. I see these mistakes all the time and they could be costing real money. If you have been following me for any length of time, you know that I have been hosting rooms in the new audio-only app called Clubhouse. This is a new platform and a great way for digital marketers, online businesses and solopreneurs to find their ideal clients. Paying clients. However, there...
This is part 2 to the question, "Bonnie, how do you ever sell anything without making any sales calls?" The answer to this question took up two episodes! Episode 82 is part two of the answer.
"Once again, what I'm doing should be selling for me. I shouldn't have to go to great lengths to get people to buy things from me. If you have to jump through hoops yourself to get people to buy your things. That is just too much trouble.”
-Bonnie L. Frank
Today’s episode is a continuation of Episode 81. If you haven’t listened to that episode, go back and listen because you'll hear why I really don’t like sales calls. In this episode, I explain how what you are doing online should sell for you. I explain the best marketing practices to get prospective clients on your email list or to your website.. You can use all the other online platforms such as Clubhouse, Facebook, Twitter and your podcast to make connections. I also explain the three things people need...
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