How to use your brand story to increase your online visibility and grow your business

In this episode, I detail how you can use your brand story to increase your online visibility, get seen and heard and rise above the noise on social media, and grow your business

Remember to sign up for a free 20-minute consultation to grow your business here or monetize your podcast here.

Feel free to give me feedback on this or any episode at [email protected].

  • Remember to go back and re-read your brand story first! Look for keywords in it---you can use these later in your social media post and sales page copy! If you don't see keywords in your brand story, edit it a bit using keywords.
  • Your brand story will be repeated, in some way, again and again for the life of your business.
  • It needs to appear on your homepage, all sales pages, checkout pages, on your courses, and all products, programs, and services you offer
  • When folks come to your website, meet you or see your social media posts, they should easily be able to determine: Who you are, What...
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What social media platforms should you be hanging out on for your business visibility?

This week on the Business Fabulous Podcast, I answered one of my most often asked questions: Where should you be hanging out online? In other words, which social media platforms should you be spending most of your time on?

In this episode, you will learn more about your audience, Google Analytics, social media insights, and your sales as well as:

  • What the "best" platform is to grow your business.
  • How you determine where you should be online.
  • How you can determine who is actually following you online and where.
  • Where people are finding you online.
  • When your audience is online.
  • How you can determine who your audience is without having a website.
  • Who you should target through social media, blog posts, ads, etc.

At the end of the episode, I challenge you to look at your insights/analytics and tell me what you learned about your audience, who they are, and where they're hanging out online. I'd love to learn about your audience! Email me what you learned at [email protected].


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WHY You "Unsubscribe" and Keep Getting Those Emails!

Every so often I go a little nuts because I have way too many unwanted emails in my Inbox.

This happened to me again after the New Year, so, rather than just continue to be frustrated, I decided to do a little investigating.

As you may know, there are loads of ways that folks are getting in touch with you these days including: in-person meetings, phone calls, live broadcasts (my favorite!), social media, bots, SMS, text messages,  and email

Until very recently, I had a slew of people sending me emails every month that I no longer wanted, didn't need, and, honestly, I usually could no longer remember who the senders were and why I was on their list.


I recently did a live broadcast where I mention the effectiveness of email marketing and who actually sees what you're posting online.

Email marketing is a wonderful and effective way to market yourself and your business. It reaches exactly who you want to reach (targeted followers who've shown an...

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Hey entrepreneurs! Feel like pulling your hair out? Here's some help!

Ladies and gentlemen,

If you're an entrepreneur, this will come as no shock to you:

Being an entrepreneur can be tough.

If you put the word "entrepreneur" in a Google search, you'll likely get a definition of someone who has a business and that definition will probably use some phrasing like this: "...taking on greater than normal financial risks..."

Being an entrepreneur does not guarantee a consistent paycheck on the 15th and 30th of each month--unless you've created your own unique system to make this happen.

Being an entrepreneur does not mean that you have new clients waiting for you each and every day--unless you have created a working system that consistently brings in new business for you.

Being an entrepreneur means that you must make happen what you want to happen in your business. EVERY single day.

So why am I an entrepreneur?

Even though there are financial risks, I love being an entrepreneur. I love the fact that I create my own hours, (early or late, week or weekday),...

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The BEST Part of Being An Entrepreneur Is Also The WORST...

 The BEST Part of Being An Entrepreneur Is Also The WORST...

I love being an entrepreneur! In fact, there are so many things I love about being one, I'm going to list them for you here:

The things I LOVE about being an entrepreneur: 

  • Calling all the shots

  • Being in charge

  • Making all of the decisions

  • Being my own boss

  • Deciding when/where/how/if I'm going to work

  • Determining when/where/if I work each day                                         


Hmmm...As I look over that list again...

Yep, I also hate those very same things about being an entrepreneur.

Being an entrepreneur is hard. It's hard if you're a solopreneur and it's hard when you aren't.

Being an entrepreneur is hard if you have a team of folks helping you and it's hard when you do everything solo.

Being an entrepreneur takes hard work, determination, savvy and strategic...

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It's not uncommon to makes excuses, I'd venture to say that we've all made excuses from time to time, even when we knew the outcome would be less than stellar. Do any of these sound familiar to you?

                    "I was too busy..."

                    "I didn't really want to..."

                    "It's too hard..."

                    "Now isn't the right time..."

Problems occur when we make excuses and the outcome isn't just less-than-great, it's harmful to ourselves, others, and, in the case of this blog post, our businesses.

As a business coach, I see a lot of entrepreneurs (knowingly and unknowingly) stunting (and completely halting) their business growth from hasty and poor decision-making. It's not news that every decision has at least one consequence, but if decisions...

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If you have an online business or you're thinking about starting one, you've probably heard about webinars.

Webinars (seminars conducted via the "web") have been around for a long time and are often used for lead generation, education and sales. I googled "webinar software" and listed five of the options that came up below. The first three options listed are more traditional ones and are what many people use for webinars these days.

Webinar Jam

Got To Meeting

Easy Webinar

Meeting Burner


Each webinar option listed above is different and there are many, MANY others out there! Some are "wrap-around" products that use Google Hangouts for the actual webinar, others are stand alone products. I use Zoom for all of my webinars, but I don't use the "webinar" option they offer because it's a lot more expensive. Instead, I limit my webinars to 50 people and operate from the regular "video conferencing" program. (I also use Zoom for 1:1 coaching, group coaching the masterminds I run...

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Warning: I have made most of these mistakes. Please do as I say in this blog and avoid these business mistakes!

Starting a business is tough, confusing, and exasperating. There are loads to think about, lots of new things to learn, many questions to ask, may more that you think of right when you hang up the phone with your mentor...

As I've said many times before, When I began my business, I had zero dollars and zero support. Everything I know I've learned through well over 12,000 hours (yes, I figured it out...thanks Malcolm Gladwell!) of studying, research, observation, listening, questioning, reflecting, trying, formulating, pursuing, crying, giving up (for a few minutes), pivoting, ruminating, creating, recreating, re-recreating, doing, doing, and doing lots more!

The sole purpose of Bonnie L Frank Coaching & Consulting is to make your entrepreneurial journey a smoother one than mine has been by providing you with all the resources and support I can. Please don't make these...

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